Discussion Questions:
can emerge with different perceptions of the same object because of three
perceptual processes. List and briefly characterize these processes.
No.1) Answer:
it is supposed that all consumers are rational, and they go different stages
for buying any products. Perception is a process of selecting, analyzing,
organizing and interpreting information input to create a meaningful picture of
the world. Perception may not be the
same for all people; it depends on individuals’ past experiences, psychological
conditions, financial status etc. However, the perception may change and
normally go through three different processes. People can emerge with different
perception of the same object because of the following three perceptual
1. Selective attention:
Although there are lots of products that are available in the markets, products
that remain in the consumer’s head are relatively selective. However, there are
some factors that grab attention of the buyer such as:
a) People
are more likely to notice stimuli that relate to a current need. For instance,
a person is motivated to buy a car will notice car ads; he or she will be less
likely to notice Movie ads.
b) People
are more likely to notice stimuli that they anticipate. For example, a person
who is more likely to notice cars than bicycle in a market because he/she
doesn’t expect the market to carry bicycles.
c) People
are more likely to notice stimuli whose deviations are large in relation to the
normal size of the stimuli. For example, a person is more likely to notice an
ad offering $1500 off the price of a car and one offering $ 50 off.
distortion: consumers give focus on the product they are
aware of. It is refers to a tendency to interpret information in such a way
that will fit our preconceptions. Generally it occurs with brand aware people
as they trust in the brand quality. For instance, suppose a person who is more
aware about laptop brands such as Hp, Dell, Acer, and Apple but his/her brother
has Apple laptop then he/she is generally aware of Apple brand so that he/she
give first priority on the Apple Brand.
retention: most of consumers normally forget much
information about products which are not needed at the moment. People generally
remember those products that they believe on and do not remember for those
products which are not use at the same time. For example, an MBA student who is
pursuing specialized subject as marketing would retain marketing information in
the mind rather than financial information.
conclusion, perceptions are more important than the reality as it as
perceptions that will affect consumers actual behavior. Thus, people can come
up with different perceptions of the same objects because of the above
mentioned three processes.
- Kotler,
Philip & Keller, Kavin. (2012). Marketing Management.
Addison-wesley: Prentice Hall.
- (n.d), Retrieved
November 18, 2014 from http://www.citeman.com/696-selective-attention-distortion-and-retention.html
2. What are the five stages of the consumer
buying process? Through market research a consumer gathers information about
the competing brands of a product and their features. The consumer then
advances through four sets with respect to brands before a decision is reached.
What are those four sets?
DQ No-2: Answer:
A consumer buying process refers to the
buying behavior of customers. All
consumers may have to pass through these stages in buying a product. However,
it is not necessary that all consumers must pass through all five stages
because if you are already familiar with the product then you can buy the
products by skipping some stages but if you are going to buy totally new
products you must follow all these stages step by step.
1. Problem
The first stage of consumer buying process is to recognize our needs and
demands. It means that we have to understand what problems we have at hand and
what are we going to solve them. For example, I need a laptop for my study.
2. Information
Search: After recognizing
product needs, we have to look for information regarding products’ features and
characteristics. It can be done by various ways such as research, surveys and
online search on the internet. For example, I need a laptop so I gather various
information regarding laptops such as Brands (Dell, HP, Acer, Apple etc) and
their features to resolve my educational issues.
3. Evaluation
and selection of alternatives:
It is third stage of consumer buying process in which consumers evaluate the
various information regarding products’ attributes, its benefits and need
fulfillment etc. after analyzing theses information, the best alternative can
be made for purchasing decision. For example, I evaluate these features and
brands and select (HP) one of the best alternatives which may be reasonable and
can solve my problem.
4. Purchase
Decision: To
purchase a product, it should be fixed that which brand is to buy? Where it is
feasible to buy and when it should be bought. It final decision to buy the
products which may or may not satisfy the consumer satisfaction. For satisfying
needs, for instance, I buy a HP laptop based on its attributes and value
creation to me.
5. Post-purchase
Behavior: After
purchasing the product, the customer may or may not be satisfied. Satisfied
customers continue to purchase and develop brand loyalty and brand equity. On
the other hand, unsatisfied customers stop buying the product and they also
dissuade others from buying it. In this case, when performance exceeds the
expectations then the customers are delighted. After purchasing a HP laptop, it
is the time to determine whether it satisfied me or not. For example, it
satisfied me and thus I became a loyal towards HP.
sets involved in customer buying decisions:
Total Set: Total set refers to a set of brands available in the
market. All buyers may not be familiar with all brands so that buyers have no
all information regarding sellers’ brands.
Awareness Set: Awareness set means those familiar brands
which the consumer is aware of total set, and knowledge about. Awareness may
not be the same for all brands and products.
Consideration Set: It refers to a set of brands that consumers
are considering to buy them. These brands have a positive impact on the mind of
consumers because they have established trust already for them.
Choice Set: It is a set of final choices that are actually available
for buyers to purchase. A consumer has to choose from only two or three brands
based on various factors which will enhance to buy the products. At this
moment, a consumer is not confused whether to buy which products or not because
he/she knows all about products and brands.
In short, Consumer buying process is all
about buying activities of the consumers in which they follow 5 stages for new
products and for existing products they may skip one or two stages. At the time
of consumer buying decisions, basically four sets are involved to make a
decision regarding customers’ brand choices. Therefore, all these have to take
into account while buying products/services by rational consumers.
- Kotler,
Philip & Keller, Kavin. (2012). Marketing Management.
Addison-wesley: Prentice Hall.
- (n.d.) Retrieved
November 18,2014 from http://theconsumerfactor.com/en/5-stages-consumer-buying-decision-process/
mental accounts do you have in your mind about purchasing products and
services? Do you have any rules you employ in spending money? Are they
different from what other people do? Do you follow Thaler’s four principles in
reacting to gains and losses?
No.3) Answer:
Mental accounting refers to a tendency of
customers to categorize money or values for their own choices. They use it
while handling money for segregating their savings to meet different goals even
though there is no mandatory to use these funds to any of the goals.
According to Philip Kotler-“Mental accounting
refers to the way consumers code, categorize, and evaluate financial outcomes
of choices.”
Literally, most of rational consumers go
through the mental accounting processes while purchasing any products or
services. I think that I usually use to have mental accounts while spending
money. For instance, I separate $3 before going to movie theatre to watch a
movie. If I lost that $3 in the way, it doesn’t matter for me because I have already
set up spending $3 money in the mind so it is called mental accounts. On the
other side, incidentally I have to spend another $3 for watching the movie but
in this case I haven’t expected this money so that it doesn’t belong to any
mental accounting.
As a rational consumer, I do not use any
rules but only use my habit for purchasing routine products such as low priced
products( a cup of tea, for example). On the other hand, I use to have some
rules regarding spending money for high priced products such as car, computer
and house. For example, I usually spend my money when there are more values
from the products or services than other products. This means that I make a
list of preferences regarding product choices by analyzing product features
such as Price, quality, service, warranty, and brand choices etc. yes, it could
be different than what other people do because all consumers may not be
rational in the countries like Nepal where country is in developing phase and
people in this country also have irrational consumers. Thus, rational consumers’ purchasing habits
might be different than irrational consumers because they have no same levels
of knowledge; ideas, experiences, and product awareness etc. while spending
money for goods and services.
to Chicago’s Richard Thaler, mental accounting is based on a set of four key
principles which I also pursue in reaching to gains and losses. They are as
1. Segregate Gains:
Usually consumers tend to segregate different gains of using product/services
separately so that sum of whole benefits is greater than the individual
Losses: Consumers tend to integrate small cost of one
product with large cost of another product.
3. Integrate smaller losses with larger gains:
Conscious consumers tend to integrate smaller losses with larger gains.
smaller gains from larger losses: Consumers tend to segregate smaller gains
from larger losses in order to identify the smaller gains and larger losses.
having discussed all these, it is inevitably true that a rational consumer
makes a purchase decision in terms of gains and losses according to a value
function. Thus, consumers use mental accounting based on Chicago’s Richard
thaler’s four key principles.
- Kotler,
Philip & Keller, Kavin. (2012). Marketing Management.
Addison-wesley: Prentice Hall.
DQ No.4) Identify the four market segment
groups based on brand loyalty status and list what a company can learn from
analyzing the degrees of brand loyalty.
DQ No.4) Answer:
Market segment is a small part of whole
market based on demographic structures and psychological conditions. Brand
loyalty refers to a deeply held commitment of a consumer towards particular
products or brands. Brand loyalty enforces the customers to repurchase the
products again and again, and it also positively promotes its products through
a word of mouth.
Marketers have identified four market segment
groups based on brand loyalty status. They are as follows:
Hard-core Loyals: Those customers, who always buy the same
branded products, refer to hard-core loyals. They always believe in one brand
regardless of other brands available in the markets. They are very important
for any companies because they are highly feel comfortable and sense of pride
by using that kind of brands. A customer, for example, who always buys Apple’s
products only and no other brands at all because he/she is loyal to Apple
2. Split
Loyals: Those customers,
who like to buy among two or three brands, refer to split loyals. Although
there are several brands available in the markets, Split loyals are inclined to
compare their benefits and risks, and buy within these two or three brands. For
example, a customer who would like to use smart mobile phones either it could
be from Apple’s brand, or Samsung’s brand or Nokia’s brand.
Shifting Loyals: Those customers, who move from one brand
product to another, refer to shifting loyals. They do not buy specific brands
all the time because they believe in demands, consumer preferences, a word of
mouth and so forth. A customer, for instance, was loyal to Samsung’s Galaxy S5
but now he/she is shifting his/her brand towards Apple’s I6 mobile.
Switchers: Those customers who have no brand loyalty at all refer
to switchers. They like to use those products which are affordable and easily
available in the markets. They do not care about brand and they buy whatever
they like to use for their own convenience. Customers, for example, who are
ready to buy any mobile phones regardless of brand choices, fall in this
By analyzing the degree of brand loyalty, a
company will be able to do the following things:
Ø To prioritize their customers according to
brand loyalty.
Ø To segment the markets by analyzing the
target markets.
Ø To understand the changing trend of
customers’ needs wants and preferences.
Ø To improve the brand loyalty by eliminating
products defects and customers’ complaints.
Ø To anticipate the customers’ preferences in
the future and prepare accordingly.
It is now concluded that it is essential task
for any company to identify the market segment groups based on customer loyalty
status because of above mentioned reasons. Also, it will enable a company to
analyze the trend and changing nature of customers so that right products can
be delivered to the right customers at the right time based on their brands
- Kotler,
Philip & Keller, Kavin. (2012). Marketing Management.
Addison-wesley: Prentice Hall.
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